N +SN cant remember

    Cards (11)

    • How does a sensory neuron function?
      It carries impulses from sensory receptors to the CNS, converting sensory information to neural impulses.
    • What is the role of a relay neuron?
      It connects sensory and motor neurons and allows them to communicate with each other, found in the CNS.
    • What are neurotransmitters?
      They are chemical messengers that transmit signals across the synaptic gap to receptor sites on the postsynaptic cell.
    • What is the function of a motor neuron?
      It carries nerve impulses to muscles or effectors, triggering a response eg.muscle contraction.
    • somatic nervous system consists of sensory and motor neuron
    • the somatic nervous system enables reflex actions
    • a neuron enables communication with the nervous system
    • dendrites carry functional information towards the cell body
    • cell body contains genetic material
    • at the axon terminal synaptic connections are made with other cells, axon terminals contain neurotransmitters which are released to communicate with other neurons or directly to organs,and in turn to influence a function.
    • Motor neuron - carries impulses from cns to muscles or effectors to bring about a response eg. Muscle contraction