Cards (23)

  • What is the origin of the trapezius muscle?
    Occipital bone, ligamentum nuchae, spine of 7th cervical vertebra, spines of all thoracic vertebrae
  • Where do the upper fibers of the trapezius insert?
    Into the lateral third of the clavicle
  • What is the nerve supply of the trapezius muscle?
    Spinal part of accessory nerve (motor) and C3 and C4 (sensory)
  • What is the action of the upper fibers of the trapezius?
    Elevate the scapula
  • What is the origin of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
    Iliac crest, lumbar fascia, spines of lower six thoracic vertebrae, lower three or four ribs, and inferior angle of scapula
  • Where does the latissimus dorsi muscle insert?
    Floor of bicipital groove of humerus
  • What is the nerve supply of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
    Thoracodorsal nerve
  • What is the action of the latissimus dorsi muscle?
    Extends, adducts, and medially rotates the arm
  • What is the origin of the levator scapulae muscle?
    Transverse processes of 1st four cervical vertebrae
  • Where does the levator scapulae muscle insert?
    Medial border of scapula
  • What is the nerve supply of the levator scapulae muscle?
    C3 and C4 and dorsal scapular nerve
  • What is the nerve root for the levator scapulae muscle?
    C3, C4, 5
  • What is the action of the levator scapulae muscle?
    Raises medial border of scapula
  • What is the origin of the rhomboid minor muscle?
    Ligamentum nuchae and spines of 7th cervical and 1st thoracic vertebrae
  • Where does the rhomboid minor muscle insert?
    Medial border of scapula
  • What is the nerve supply of the rhomboid minor muscle?
    Dorsal scapular nerve
  • What is the nerve root for the rhomboid minor muscle?
    C4, 5
  • What is the action of the rhomboid minor muscle?
    Raises medial border of scapula upward and medially
  • What is the origin of the rhomboid major muscle?
    Second to 5th thoracic spines
  • Where does the rhomboid major muscle insert?
    Medial border of scapula
  • What is the nerve supply of the rhomboid major muscle?
    Dorsal scapular nerve
  • What is the nerve root for the rhomboid major muscle?
    C4, 5
  • What is the action of the rhomboid major muscle?
    Raises medial border of scapula upward and medially