Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation

Cards (5)

  • Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation-
    • Separation is when the PAF isn’t with the child, which is only negative when the child is deprived of emotional care (can happen even with the parent present) which can be replaced e.g. daycare carers since they still provide emotional care.
  • Bowlby‘s Maternal Deprivation-
    •  If maternal deprivation during the critical period the child will have delayed intellectual development shown by a low IQ.
    • Goldfarb (1947) found those with low IQ were from an institution compared to fostered kids who had emotional care.  
    • The lack of emotional care tends to make the child identified as affection-less psychopathy and emotionless, since they can’t feel guilt or remorse for their actions or others, leading them to crime.  
  • Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation-
    Bowlby’s 44 thieves study (1944)-
    • 44 criminal teenagers accused of ‘stealing’, interviewed for signs of affection less psychopathy.
    • Mothers interviewed to see if they had prolonged early separation.
    • Compared to a control group of 44 non-criminal emotionally disturbed teens.
    • 14/44 were seen as affection-less, 12/14 had prolonged separation during the critical period (first 2yrs).
    • 5/30(left) had separation and 2/44)control) had separation.
    • Prolonged separation during CP caused affection-less psychopathy.
  • Bowlby‘s Maternal Deprivation-
    CPS- Levy (2003) showed separating baby rats for a little as a day caused permanent effects on social development – supporting Bowlby.
    CPW- Poor quality of evidence (Bowlby conducted the experiment, based from Goldfarb who did t from early trauma (confounding variables).
  • Bowlby’s Maternal Deprivation-
    W- Confusion between different types of early experiences (privation (no attachment formed) and deprivation).
    W- No attachment made during the critical period can be helped with the proper care after the period (Koluchova 1976).