Cards (16)

  • What is the significance of the Treaty of Versailles mentioned in the study material?
    It was a peace treaty that aimed to address the consequences of the First World War
  • What was the Schlieffen Plan?
    A German military strategy to rapidly invade and conquer France by cutting through neutral Belgium
  • Why did the Schlieffen Plan ultimately fail?
    It failed, leading to the need for trench warfare
  • What was the impact of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk on Russia?

    It forced Russia to give up around 1 million square miles of land and over a third of its population
  • How did the Allies use the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk against Germany?

    They used it as evidence of Germany's aggression during the Paris Peace Conference
  • When did the USA join the First World War?
    In April 1917
  • What was the significance of the Armistice signed by the Weimar Republic?
    It marked Germany's surrender in the First World War
  • What was the public perception in Germany regarding the signing of the Armistice?
    Some Germans believed they had not lost the war on the battlefield and opposed signing it
  • How many military deaths are estimated to have occurred during the First World War?
    Approximately 8.5 million military deaths
  • What was the ratio of women to men in France in the 18 to 30 age group in 1919?
    15 women for every man
  • What was the impact of the First World War on the landscape in Belgium and France?
    The use of artillery and offensive mining caused mass destruction of the landscape
  • What economic problems did France face after the First World War?
    The destruction of factories, railways, and roads created significant economic problems
  • How did the devastation of the First World War influence the Treaty of Versailles?
    The levels of destruction made some European leaders seek revenge against Germany, influencing the peace terms
  • What are the main topics covered in the study material regarding the First World War?
    • Causes and consequences of the First World War
    • The Treaty of Versailles and its fairness
    • The impact of the Treaty on Germany
    • The League of Nations and its effectiveness
    • The context of the Second World War
  • What are the key themes in the study material related to the Weimar Republic and Nazi Germany?
    • The impact of the Treaty of Versailles on the Weimar Republic
    • The rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party
    • The consolidation of power by the Nazis
    • Opposition to the Nazi regime
    • Life in Nazi Germany
  • What are the main topics covered in the study material regarding Russia from 1905 to 1941?
    • The collapse of the Tsarist regime
    • The Bolshevik Revolution and consolidation of power
    • Stalin's rise and control over the Soviet Union
    • Economic policies and their impact on the Soviet people