
Cards (9)

  • What is a population in research?
    A group of people who are the focus of the researcher’s interest.
  • What is a sample in research?

    A group of people who take part in a research investigation.
  • How is a sample drawn in research?
    A sample is drawn from a target population and is presumed to be fairly representative of that population.
  • What are the different sampling techniques?
    • Random
    • Systematic
    • Stratified
    • Opportunity
    • Volunteer
  • What is sampling bias?
    Sampling bias occurs when certain groups may be over or underrepresented within the sample selected.
  • How does sampling bias affect generalizations?
    It limits the extent to which generalizations can be made to the target population.
  • What is generalization in research?
    Generalization is the extent to which findings and conclusions from a particular investigation can be broadly applied to the population.
  • When can generalization be made in research?
    Generalization can be made if the sample of participants is representative of the population.
  • What is the procedure for the sampling activity described?
    1. Wash or sanitize hands.
    2. Gather in groups of 4.
    3. Get a worksheet and a share-sized bag of Skittles.
    4. Complete the sampling and worksheet questions.
    5. Ensure definitions for each type of sampling are noted, along with strengths and limitations.
    6. Follow up with exam questions on the outlook group.