Beliefs, behaviour, values and morals can be influenced
In a group situation, the minority influences the majority's attitudes and/or behaviour of the majority. This leads to internalisation/conversion, in which private attitudes are changes as well as public behaviours.
The three things that help make minority influence successful are consistency, commitment and flexibility
Consistency means to do something repetitively
if you are inconsistent, you look like you doubt yourself
consistency is effective - draws attention to the minority view (includes consistency between minority group members and over time)
it makes people rethink their own views
involves sacrifices
making personal sacrifices shows you're not acting out of self interest, inconvenience to yourself
showing commitment draws attention
involves comprimisation
being willing to compromise
not too rigid = dogmatic
too inconsistent = too flexible
Why is flexibility in a minority so important?
Makes it seem like they are working with the majority and not against them
The process of change
all three make people think about the topic, it shows the speakers are consistent and passionate about the topic, and this leads to conversion/internalisation
this then snowballs and soon the minority view becomes the majority view