Research methods

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    • Experimental methods
      The manipulation of independent variable (IV) to measure the effect on the dependent variable (DV)
    • Aim
      A general statement of what the researcher intends to investigate (the purpose of the study)
    • Hypotheses
      A clear, testable statement that states the relationship between the variables
    • Directional hypotheses
      States the direction of the difference or relationship
    • Non-directional hypotheses
      Does not state the direction or relationship
    • Variables
      Anything that can vary or change within the investigation
    • Independent variable
      Manipulated by the researcher, or changes naturally so the effect on the DV can be measured
    • Dependent variable
      The variable which is measured, only effect should be caused by the IV
    • Operationalisation
      Clearly defining variables in terms of how they can be measured
    • Extraneous variables
      Any other variable which can effect the DV if not controlled
    • Confounding variable
      Varies systematically with the IV, can’t tell which one changed the DV
    • Demand characteristics
      Participants behaving a certain way to please the researcher
    • Investigator effects
      Conscious or unconscious behaviour which may affect the DV e.g., design of the study, interaction, participants
    • Randomisation
      ‘Chance’ methods to control effects of bias
    • Standardisation
      Using the same instructions for all participants
    • Experimental design
      Different ways participants can be organised in relation to the experimental conditions
    • Independent group design
      Participants are allocated to different groups where each group represents one experimental condition
    • Repeated measures
      All participants take part in all conditions of the experiment
    • Matched pairs
      Pairs are first matched on some variable(s) that may affect the DV. Pairs are then randomly assigned to either a control or experimental group
    • Random allocation
      An attempt to control for participant variables in independent groups, ensures everyone has the same chance of being in one condition as any other
    • Counterbalancing
      An attempt to control for the effects of order in a repeated measures design e.g., half of the participants experience conditions in one order, then the other half in the opposite order
    • Laboratory experiments
      Conducted in highly controlled environments, they are not always in a lab, they could be, as well as, a classroom where conditions are well controlled
    • Lab experiments
      + High control over confounding and extraneous variables ensures changes to the DV is likely due to the IV (high internal validity)
      + Replication is more possible due to high level of control, vital to whether finding is valid
      - May lack generalisability, the environment may seem artificial (not everyday real-life) participants may behave in unusual ways (low external validity)
      - Participants are usually aware of being tested (demand characteristic)
      - Low mundane realism, doesn’t replicate everyday real life
    • Field experiments
      IV is manipulated in a natural, more everyday setting. The researcher goes to the participants usual environment
    • Field experiments
      + Higher mundane realism than lab experiments because the environment is more natural. May produce behaviour which is more natural and authentic, especially if they are unaware of being studied
      + High external validity
      - Ethical issues are a problem if the participant is unaware of being studied they cannot consent, which may cause an invasion of privacy
      - Increased realism causes a loss of control over CVs and EVs, harder to tell if the changes to the DV were caused by the IV
      - Exact replication may be difficult
    • Natural experiments
      An experiment where research is unable to manipulate the IV, researcher examines the naturally occurring changes on the DV they decided on
    • Natural experiments
      + Provides opportunities for research that may have not happened otherwise for practical and ethical issues
      + High external validity because it involved a study of the real-world issues and problems as they happen e.g., effects of a natural disaster on stress levels
      - Natural events may happen rarely, reducing opportunities for research
      - Lack of control, there is no control over EVs and the environment. Cannot always accurately investigate the effects of the IV on the DV
    • Quasi-experiments
      A study which is almost an experiment but lacks key ingredient. The IV has not been determined by anyone. The variables simply exist e.g., being old or young. Not an experiment
    • Quasi-experiments
      + Often carried out under controlled conditions so it shared some strengths with lab experiments (e.g., replication)
      - Like natural experiments, cannot randomly allocate participants to conditions. may be CVs
      - May be CVs as you cannot claim the IV caused any change
    • Population
      A group of people who are the focus of the researchers interest from which a smaller sample is drawn
    • Sampling techniques
      The method used to select people from the population
    • Generalisation
      The extent to which findings and conclusions from a particular investigation can be broadly applied to the population. This is possible if the sample of participants is representative of the target population
    • Random sample
      All members of the target population have an equal chance of being selected. Firstly, obtain a list of all members from a target population. Secondly, all names are given a number. Finally, use a lottery methods e.g., picking numbers from a hat
    • Random sample
      + Potentially unbiased, EVs and CVs should be equally divided between different groups (internal validity)
      - Difficult and time-consuming
      - A complete list of a target population may be difficult to obtain
    • Systematic sample
      Every nth member is selected from the target population e.g., every 3rd house in a street or every 5th pupil on a school register
    • Systematic sample
      + One the system is established, the researcher has no control over who is chosen (esp. if random)
      - Time-consuming, participants may refuse to take part, resulting in a volunteer sample
    • Stratified sample
      A method of sampling from a population which can be partitioned into subpopulations e.g., football club fans
    • Stratified sample
      + Representative sample because it is designed to accurately reflect the composition of the population, generalisation is possible
      - Identified strata cannot reflect all the ways that people are different, complete representation isn’t possible
    • Opportunity sample
      Select anyone who happens to be willing and available, ask whoever is around at the time of the study e.g., in the street
    • Opportunity sample
      + Convenient as the people who could participate are there
      + Less costly in terms of time and money
      - Bias as it’s unrepresentative of the target population as they are drawn from a specific area
      - Researcher has compete control over participants, may avoid people they don’t like the look of (researcher bias)
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