Maternal deprivation

    Cards (21)

    • What type of clinic provided information for Bowlby's analysis?
      Child Guidance Clinic
    • What was the main focus of Bowlby's analysis of children?

      Children diagnosed as maladjusted
    • How many children in Bowlby's study had been caught stealing?
      44 children
    • What term did Bowlby use to describe children who showed no signs of shame or responsibility?

      Affectionless thieves
    • What percentage of the affectionless thieves experienced early separation from their mothers?
      86% (12 out of 14)
    • What does early separation from mothers include according to Bowlby?

      Stays in hospitals or foster homes with little contact with families
    • How many of the remaining 30 thieves had experienced separation from their mothers?
      5 out of 30
    • What hypothesis did Bowlby develop based on his findings?
      The maternal deprivation hypothesis
    • What does the maternal deprivation hypothesis state?
      Loss of a mother figure in the first few years of life leads to lasting negative effects on emotional development
    • What negative effect can result from maternal deprivation according to Bowlby?
      Affectless psychopathy
    • What did Bifulco et al (1992) study in relation to maternal separation?

      Women who experienced separation from their mothers due to separation or maternal death
    • What percentage of women who experienced maternal separation reported depression or anxiety disorders in later life?
    • How does the age of loss affect mental health problems according to Bifulco's findings?
      The mental health problems were greater if the loss occurred before the age of 6
    • What are the effects of maternal deprivation on emotional development?
      • Lack of internal working model
      • Affectionless psychopathy
      • Inability to form healthy relationships
      • Higher rates of delinquency
    • What are the effects of maternal deprivation on intellectual development?
      • Mental retardation characterized by abnormally low IQ
      • Lower IQ due to lack of emotional care
      • Impact on children who remain in institutions instead of being adopted
    • What is the term used to describe the separation between a child and their mother during the critical period?
      Maternal deprivation
    • What is the benefit of healthy monotropic attachment for infants?
      It leads to better attachments later in life
    • How does Bowlby's theory relate to the emotional consequences of early maternal deprivation?

      It suggests that early maternal deprivation leads to irreversible damage to emotional development
    • What is the relationship between maternal deprivation and delinquency according to Bowlby?
      Maternal deprivation is associated with a higher rate of delinquency
    • Who conducted a study on children in institutions and their IQ levels?
    • What characterizes mental retardation as described by Bowlby?
      Abnormally low IQ due to prolonged deprivation of maternal care
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