
Cards (32)

  • Who conducted the Stanford prison experiment (SPE)?
    Philip Zimbardo and colleagues
  • What was the main question Zimbardo aimed to investigate in the SPE?
    Whether the brutal behavior of prison guards was due to sadistic personalities or the social role of being a guard
  • How many men were selected as participants for the SPE?
    21 men
  • What criteria were used to select participants for the SPE?
    Participants were emotionally stable individuals
  • How were the roles of guards and prisoners assigned in the SPE?
    Roles were assigned randomly
  • What type of uniforms were given to the prisoners in the SPE?
    Loose smocks and caps to cover their hair, identified by number
  • What items were included in the guards' uniforms in the SPE?
    Wooden clubs, handcuffs, and mirror shades
  • What psychological effect did the uniforms have on the participants?
    They created a loss of personal identity, leading to de-individuation
  • How were the prisoners encouraged to identify with their roles?
    By procedures such as applying for parole instead of leaving early
  • What was the initial reaction of the prisoners to the guards' treatment?
    The prisoners rebelled within two days
  • What tactics did the guards use to maintain control over the prisoners?
    Divide-and-rule tactics and constant harassment
  • What was the psychological state of the prisoners after their rebellion was suppressed?
    They became subdued, depressed, and anxious
  • What happened to one of the prisoners who showed signs of psychological disturbance?
    He was released from the study
  • How did the guards' behavior change over the course of the study?
    Their behavior became increasingly brutal and aggressive
  • Why did Zimbardo end the study prematurely?
    Because the guards' behavior became too brutal
  • What conclusion can be drawn about social roles from the SPE?
    Social roles have a strong influence on individuals' behavior
  • How did even volunteers performing specific functions behave in the SPE?
    They found themselves behaving as if they were in a prison
  • What was one strength of the SPE regarding control over variables?
    Participants were emotionally stable and randomly assigned to roles
  • What did the control over variables increase in the SPE?
    It increased the internal validity of the study
  • What was a limitation of the SPE regarding realism?
    It lacked the realism of a true prison
  • What did Banuazizi and Movahedi argue about the participants' behavior?

    Participants were merely play-acting rather than genuinely conforming to their roles
  • How did one of the guards base his role in the SPE?
    He based it on a brutal character from the film Cool Hand Luke
  • What did Mark McDermott argue about the participants' behavior in the SPE?

    Participants behaved as if the prison was real to them
  • What percentage of the prisoners' conversations were about prison life?
  • What did one prisoner believe about the SPE?
    He believed it was a real prison run by psychologists
  • What is one limitation regarding Zimbardo's view on the power of social roles?
    He may have exaggerated the power of social roles to influence behavior
  • What did Zimbardo's findings suggest about the guards' behavior?
    Only one-third of the guards behaved brutally
  • What did some guards do instead of conforming to a brutal role?
    They tried to apply the rules fairly and helped the prisoners
  • What does Zimbardo's study suggest about the influence of dispositional factors?
    It suggests that dispositional factors, such as personality, may have been minimized
  • What is the significance of the SPE in understanding social roles?
    It highlights the powerful impact of social roles on behavior
  • What are the key findings of the Stanford prison experiment (SPE)?
    • Guards treated prisoners harshly and took their roles seriously
    • Prisoners rebelled within two days
    • Guards used divide-and-rule tactics and constant harassment
    • Prisoners became subdued, depressed, and anxious
    • Zimbardo ended the study after six days due to brutality
  • What are the strengths and limitations of the SPE?
    • Control over key variables increased internal validity
    • Random assignment ruled out individual personality differences

    • Lack of realism compared to actual prisons
    • Zimbardo may have exaggerated the power of social roles