Non-physical interactions between people communicating through social media
Why would you self-disclose more online?
They don't know your friends
TIME to think about what to say
Less embarrasment
Why would you self-disclose less online?
Worry of blackmail/trolling/catfishing
Can't judge emotions as easily
What does CMC stand for?
Computer mediated communication
What does FtF stand for?
Face to face
What is a gate?
A barrier that could interfere with the development of a relationship (FtF)
Define absence of gating?
Refers to the way that virtual relationships are relatively anonymous. People unable to use physical features which can act as 'gates' are removed when considering whether they wish to form a relationship
What are virtual relationships?
Relationships where people are not physically present, but communicate exclusively using online methods such as emails, texting etc. Such relationships may form while partner's actual identity can be anonymous
What have psychologists long known ?
That self-disclosure is crucial feature of FtF relationships in offline world
More recently research has been carried into its role in the online world
What are the 2 contrasting theories about how self-disclosure operates in CMC?
Reduced cues theory
The Hyperpersonal model
What model suggests we are less likely to self-disclose in virtual relationships?
Reduced Cues Theory
What model suggests we are more likely to self-disclose in virtual relationships?