Lorenz (1935)

Subdecks (2)

Cards (13)

  • aim
    to investigate imprinting
  • what's imprinting? 

    -an innate readiness to develop a strong bond with mother
    -takes place during specific time in development
    -most likely first few hours after birth/hatching
  • when does imprinting take place?
    first few hours after birth/hatching
    -critical period
  • procedure
    -took clutch of gosling eggs
    -divided them into 2 groups
    -one group was left with biological mother
    -other eggs placed in incubator
    -when incubator eggs hatched the first living thing they saw was Lorenz & started following him
    -Lorenz marked the 2 groups to distinguish them and placed them together
  • findings
    -the goslings he looked after imprinted on to him
    -despite biological mother being present
    -Lorenz's brood showed no recognition of natural mother
  • critical period
    -Lorenz noted the process of imprinting limited by this
    -if young animal isn't exposed to moving object during this period the animal wont imprint
    -won't form attachment
  • what does early imprinting have an effect on?
    mate preferences
  • sexual imprinting
    -animals choose to mate with same kind of object upon which they're imprinted
    -especially birds do this
  • conclusion
    the study supports the idea of imprinting and that there's a critical period in which this must occur