Social Influence - Psychology

    Cards (156)

    • What are the three types of conformity?

      Compliance, Identification and Internalisation
    • Which psychologist said there were 3 types of conformity?
      Kelmen (1958)
    • What is compliance?
      When people change their behaviours/opinions to fit in with the group
    • What sort of form and level of conformity is compliance?
      very public form + lowest level
    • When is compliance only shown?
      When in the presence of the group
    • What is identification?

      When a person changes their behaviours/opinions because they want to belong to a group/ fit in
    • What form of conformity is identification?Why?
      Stronger form because they want to be publicly and privately accepted by the group
    • Why is identification temporary?
      when we leave the group we no longer seek their acceptance
    • What is internalisation?
      Genuinely changing behaviours/opinions even when not with the group.
      See the group a correct +accept their opinions/behaviours.
      Not dependent on group presence
    • What is conformity?
      Yielding to group pressure. Often linked to majority influence
    • What is NSI?
      Normative influence - influenced by the majority because want to fit in with what is socially acceptable to avoid rejection - leads to temporary change in behaviours
    • What is ISI?
      Informational influence - based off when we think someone has better info due to thinking they’re more informed. Involves following majority
    • What are the pros of ISI?
      Supporting evidence - Lucas et al (2006) conformity greater to an incorrect answer than when the question was difficult
    • Cons ISI
      Affects all ppl differently
      • Asch (1955) conformity reduced when 1 other dissenting participant
      Knowledgable ppl less influence by right view of majority
    • Cons of ISI + NSI
      Oversimplified - not always poss to identify which one is at work - both may operate together irl situations
    • Pros of NSI
      Evidence supports as an explanation of conformity - Asch
    • Cons NSI
      Doesnt predict in every case e.g affiliators - McGhee + Teevun (1967) found affiliations conformed more
    • Who made the 2 process theory of NSI + ISI
      Deutsch + Gerald (1955)
    • What was Asch’s study called?
    • What year was asch’s study?
    • What were the three variables in ashc’s study?
      Group size, unanimity and task difficulty
    • How was group size investigated in asch’s study
      -Increased group size by adding condederates
      -Increased size of majority
      -Conformity increased
    • How was unanimity investigated in asch’s study
      • The confederates all chose the same incorrect answer
      • Produced more conformity
    • How was task difficulty investigated in asch’s study
      -Line task more difficult when harder to work out -More conformity when more difficult
    • What type of experiment did Asch use?
    • What was the procedure for asch’s study
      -showed 2 white cards, one w a standard line and the other with 3 comparison lines
      -participant asked which of the 3 matched
      -Each tested individually with a group of 6-8 confederates unbeknown to the participants
      -18 trials, 12/18 critical trials, all confeds gave wrong answer
    • How many trials were there in asch’s study
      18 total, 12 critical
    • what percentage of responses were incorrect on the 12 critical trials?
    • On a control trial with no confederates, mistakes were only made what% of the time? (Asch)
    • What % of participants conformed once or didn’t conform
      25% didn’t conform at all
      75% conformed once
    • What did participants say they conformed to avoid?
      To avoid rejection (NSI)
    • What 3 reasons were found that participants conformed for?
      Distortion of perception- same as majority
      Distortion of judgment- unsure of own judgement
      Distortion of action - privately thought different but changed to avoid public disapproval
    • Evaluation points Asch - A child of its time
      -Conflicting evidence (Perrin + Spencer 1980) engineering students in UK, only 1 conform/396 trials. -engineering students may have felt more confident about measuring lines than original sample so less conformist
      • 1950s = especially conformist time in US so made sense to conform to social norms
      • society changed since + ppl less conformist maybe
      • Asch effect isn’t consistent across time and so isn’t a fundamental feature of human behaviour
    • Evaluation points Asch - Artificial situation + task
      • Participants knew they were in a research study.. demand cahracteristics
      • Fishe - groups not very groupy to everyday situations
    • What was a limitation of Asch's study regarding the participants used?
      Only men were used in the study.
    • Evaluation Asch - Findings only apply in certain situations
      The fact participants has to answer out loud and we’re with a group of strangers who they wanted to impress might mean that conformity was higher than usual. On the other hand, Williams+soon found conformity was higher when the majority of the group were friends rather than strangers
    • Why do some researchers suggest that women might be more conformist than men?
      Because women may be more concerned about social relationships than men.
    • From which country were the men in Asch's study?
      The men were from the US.
    • What type of culture is the US considered in the context of Asch's study?
      The US is considered an individualistic culture.
    • What did similar conformity studies conducted in collectivist cultures find?
      They found that conformity levels oriented to group needs.