
Cards (26)

  • what are the types of conformity ?
    • compliance
    • identification
    • internalisation
  • what is compliance ?
    going along with the majority view despite privately disagreeing and only do this whilst in group
  • what is identification ?
    people act the same way as group because they want to fit in
  • what is internalisation ?
    deep type where we take on the majority view because we accept it as correct
  • what are the explanations for conformity ?
    • normative social influence
    • informational social influence
  • what is normative social influence ?
    following social norms to gain social approval and fit in
  • what is informational social influence ?
    the desire to have the best information within the group and be right
  • what are social norms ?
    unwritten rules that govern how we behave within society
  • what is conformity ?
    type of social influence involving a change in what we do , think or say due to influence of others
  • what is evidence to support ISI ?
    • greater conformity to incorrrect answers when difficult rather than easy
    • means that ppl conform when they're unsure and look to others
  • what is evidence to support NSI affects people in different ways ?
    • shows that naffiliators are more likely to conform to gain approval
    • cant use NSI as explanation as some change behaviour for other reasons
  • what is the aim of asch research ?
    investigate the extent to which social pressure from a majority group could affect a person to conform
  • what is the procedure of aschs research ?
    line judgement task with 7 confedorates who had agreed on their answers before hand and one naive participant. they gave the wrong answers on 12 / 18 trials
  • what were the results ?
    32% conformed in each trial
    75% conformed in at least one trial
  • what was the conclusion from aschs research ?
    most said - did not believe answers but went along due to fear of being ridiculed
    few said - actually believed wrong answers were correct
  • what is a strength of aschs research ?
    able to establish cause and effect :
    • due to high levels of control
    • matters because results easily linked to group pressure and not environmental factors
  • what is a weakness of aschs research ?
    seen as unethical
    • not fully informed consent - not told all aspects
    • deception - unaware they were only naive participant
    • slight psychological harm - felt anxious to fit in
    • undermines the value of research done
  • what is a weakness of asch research ?
    lacks population validity
    • all male american participants = not generalisable
  • how did asch change group size and what was the effect ?
    group size : only used 3 confedorates
    effect : little change to conformity
  • how did asch change unanimity and what was the effect ?
    unanimity : introduced other confedorates who disagreed with majority
    effect : conformity decreased
  • how did asch change task difficulty and what was the effect ?
    task difficulty : difficulty increased
    effect : conformity increased
  • what was the aim of zimbardos research ?
    test whether people conform to new social roles
  • what was the procedure of zimbardos research ?
    • male psych students volunteered then randomly allocated role of either prisoner or prison guard
    • prisoners - called by number not name , 23 hours a day in cell
    • prison guards - given sunglasses to avoid eye contact , sticks given , worked shifts then went home
  • what were the findings of zimardos research ?
    • called off after 6 days
    • prisoners : nervous rash , nervous breakdown , hunger strike , began telling tales on others , spoke on prison issues
    • prison guards : became sadistic and harrased prisoners , some apparently enjoyed this whilst others went along
  • what were the conclusions of zimbardos research ?
    conformed to social roles possibly due to deindividuation - following norms of the group
  • what was the evaluation of zimbardos research ?
    lab experiment - cause and effect , ecological validity
    lacks population validity - male americans only
    unethical - not protected from psychological harm