
Cards (13)

  • what is retrieval failure ?
    a form of forgetting where we dont have the necessary cues to access a memory
  • what is a cue ?
    a trigger of information that allows us to access a memory
  • what was the procedure of the context dependent study ?
    scuba divers asked to recall list of words in different conditions :
    • condition one - learned underwater , recall underwater
    • condition two - learn underwater , recall on land
    • condition three - learn on land , recall underwater
    • condition four - learn on land , recall on land
  • what were the findings of the context dependent study ?
    40% lower accuracy in recall in non-matching conditions
  • what was the conclusion from the context dependent study ?
    absent external cues causes more forgetting
  • what was the procedure of the state dependent study ?
    asked to recall list of words or passage :
    • condition one- learn w drug , recall w drug
    • condition two- learn w drug , recall w out drug
    • condition three- learn w out drug , recall w drug
    • condition four- learn w out drug , learn w out drug
  • what were the findings from state dependent study ?
    accuracy lower in non matching conditions
  • what were the conclusions from the state dependent study ?
    internal cues absent = more forgetting
  • what is the evaluation of retrieval failure ?
    contexts - contexts must be very different in order to see any actual effect
    research support - scuba diver study shows 40% lower accuracy
    artifical stimulus - lacks ecological validity
  • what is interference theory ?
    when one memory blocks another causing one or both memories to become forgotten or disorted
  • what is proactive interference ?
    an old memory blocks a new memory
  • what retroactive interference ?
    a new memory blocks an old memory
  • what is the evaluation of interference theory ?
    effects of similarity - occurs more when similar memories
    research support - scuba diver study , 40% lower accuracy
    lacks ecological validity - artifical stimulus