long term memory types

Cards (10)

  • what are the types of memory ?
    episodic , semantic , procedural
  • what memory types are explicit ?
    episodic and semantic
  • what types of memory are implict ?
  • what memories are episodic ?
    personal experiences
  • what brain region is episodic ?
  • what memories are semantic ?
    knowledge and facts
  • what brain region is semantic ?
    temporal lobe
  • what memories are procedural ?
    tasks or skills
  • what brain region is procedural ?
    cerebellum and motor cortex
  • what research supports the different types of LTM ?
    Clive Wearing - episodic impaired but procedural and semantic intact
    PET scans - different areas of brain active when accesing different types of long term memory
    Patient HM - episodic impaired but procedural and semantic intact