we pay attention when it is in the sensory register
how do things stay in our STM ?
what is the capacity of sensory register ?
very large
what is duration of sensory register ?
limited to milliseconds
what is the coding of the sensory register ?
sense specific
what is the capacity of STM ?
large ( 5 - 9 chunks )
what is the duration of STM ?
18 seconds
what is the coding of STM ?
what is the capacity of LTM ?
what is the duration of LTM ?
what is coding of LTM ?
coded by meaning / semantically
what was the procedure to find out coding in STM and LTM ?
gave different lists of words to four groups to remember in any order
( semantically similar and different , acoustically similar and different )
what were the results from the research into coding of STM and LTM ?
recall immediately after did worse on acoustically similar
recall after 20 mins did worse with semantically similar
what was the procedure to find out capacity of STM ?
given number of digits and participant is asked to recall in correct order immediately and they increase number of digits when they answer correct and do this until they get the answer incorrect
what are the results of research into capacity of STM ?
mean span for digits = 9.3
mean span for letters = 7.3
what was the procedure for research into duration of STM ?
in each trial student given a trigram and a 3 digit number , then asked to count backwards from that 3 digit number
each trial had a diff amount of rehersal time - 3,6,9,12,15
what were the results from the duration of STM research ?
very short duration unless we repeat something again and again
what is the research into the duration of LTM ?
students asked to match previous classmates names to yearbook photos
what were the results of duration of LTM research ?
60% accuracy in matching
what is the serial position experiment ?
participants study long list of word and asked to recall as many possible in any order
what were the results from the serial position experiment ?
recalled words at end of list as they are circulating in STM
recalled words at the start well as had been rehearsed and moved to LTM
recalled no words in the middle
what is the recency effect ?
words circulating in STM
what is the primacy effect ?
words that have been rehearsed and gone into LTM
does the serial position experiment support the multi store model of memory ?
it shows that if you rehearse something it will transfer to LTM
also shows how short the duration of STM is
who was patient HM and did this study support the MSM ?
suffered from epilepsy and in attempt to treat this , brain tissue was removed resulted in LTM being affected but STM wasnt
yes this supports it because it shows that each memory store is separate
who was clive wearing and does his case support the MSM ?
worst case of amnesia - less than 30 seconds memory
has some long term memories but no short term
supports model as shows that he can't transfer memories which is part of linear structure of MSM
who was patient KF and does this support the MSM ?
injured in motorbike accident and able to recalled LTM memories
able to remember visual images but couldn't remember sounds
criticises model as suggests model is too simplistic