working memory model

Cards (14)

  • what is the central executive ?
    controls attention and directs information to two slave systems ( phonological loop and visuo spatial sketchpad )
  • what is the phonological loop ?
    processes auditory information
  • what is does the articulatory control system do ?
    allows sub vocal repetition and maintenance rehearsal
  • what does the phonological store do ?
    stores acoustic info for short period of time
  • what does the visuo-spatial sketchpad do ?
    processes visual and spatial information
  • what does the inner scribe do ?
    stored info abt spatial relationships between objects
  • what does the visual cache do ?
    stores visual information
  • what is the episodic buffer ?
    stores both visual and audio information
    can transfer information to LTM
  • what is a strength of the WMM ?
    dual task studies - perform better on tasks which use different components of WMM rather than same component
  • what is a strength of WMM ?
    explains STM in both a temporary storage and active processing
  • what is a strength of WMM ?
    PET scans show that different areas of brain are active while completing verbal and visual tasks
  • what is a strength of WMM ?
    supported by case of patient KF
  • what is a weakness of WMM ?
    only focuses on STM and not a comprehensive model of memory
  • what is a weakness of WMM ?
    little research into the central executive