explanations of attachment

Cards (10)

  • what is the learning theory of attachment ?
    • form attachments through classical conditioning
    • e.g. associate caregiver w food
    • then strengthened through operant conditioning :
    • positive reinforcement - baby cries gets food which is pleasant
    • negative reinforcement - takes away baby crying for mother
  • what is the evaluation of the learning theory ?
    • counter evidence from animal studies - lorenz and harlow
    • counter evidence from human research - schaeffer and emerson
    • ignores other factors - eg interactions
  • what is monotropy ?
    • one attachment is different from all others and is of central importance
  • what is a critical period ?
    • time where attachment must form if its to form at all
    • 6m - 2 and half years
  • what is a social releaser ?
    • cute behaviors used to grab attention of caregivers
  • what is an internal working model ?
    • mental representation of primary caregiver and is template for what future relationships should look like.
  • what is the continuity hypothesis ?
    • early relationships predict later relationships
  • what is innate ?
    • occurs naturally w no need for learning or experience
  • what is bowlbys monotropic theory ?
    • monotropic
    • innate
    • critical period
    • social releasers
    • internal working model
    • continuity hypothesis
  • what is the evaluation of bowlbys monotropic theory ?
    • socially sensitive and has economic implications
    • research support from animal studies - lorenz and harlow
    • real life application - hospitals
    • undermines learning theory
    • undermines role of father