
Cards (10)

  • what is statistical infrequency ?
    • any relatively unusual behaviour / characteristic is 'normal' and any behaviour that is different is 'abnormal'
  • what is an example of statistical infrequency ?
    • fears deemed as irrational
  • what is the evaluation of statistical infrequency ?
    • real life application
    • 'abnormal' can be positive eg high IQ
    • not everyone benefits from label
  • what is deviation from social norms ?
    • labelled as abnormal if behaviour goes against the the expected unwritten rules of society
  • what is the evaluation of deviation from social norms ?
    • relies on the context of behaviour
    • can be culturally specific
    • helps keep society orderly
  • what is failure to function adequately ?
    • inability to cope with demands of everyday life
  • what is an example of failure to function ?
    • people w depression struggle w personal hygeine
  • what is the evaluation of failure to function ?
    • subjective
    • takes into account experience
    • doesnt always stop people functioning
  • what is deviation from ideal mental health ?
    • positives rather than negatives - idea of mental health rather than mental illness
  • what is the evaluation of deviation from ideal mental health ?
    • subjective
    • helpful for persons recovery
    • focuses on healthy behaviour rather than unhealthy