biological approach

Cards (8)

  • what is the biological approach ?
    importance of physical processes on behaviour such as genes , neurochemistry etc
  • how would charles darwin explain behaviour ?
    process of natural selection - survivial of those best adapted then passing on the genes
  • what is a genotype ?
    set of genes - genetic makeup
  • what is a phenotype ?
    observable characteristics from both genes and enviroment
  • how does brain structure influence our behaviour ?
    brain regions control diff functions
  • what is neurochemistry ?
    chemicals in our brain
  • how does neurochemistry influence our behaviour ?
    neurochemical imbalances create abnormal behaviour
  • what is the evaluation of the biological approach ?
    reductionist - just physical processes , ignores enviroment
    scientific methods - eg scanning techniques
    good real life application - eg psychoactive drugs