humanistic psychology

Cards (14)

  • what is the humanistic approach ?
    idea that everyone has free will and self determination to be able to self actualize
  • what is free will ?
    we are active agents who can determine our own development and make our own choices
  • what is self actualisation ?
    fufill your own full potential
  • what is the order of maslows hierarchy of needs ( lowest to highest ) ?
    -physiological needs
    -love and belonging
    -self esteem
    -self actualisation
  • what are some examples of physiological needs ?
    food , water , sleep
  • what are some examples of safety ?
    no danger , home , employment , good health
  • what are some examples of love and belonging ?
    -friendship , intimacy and acceptance
  • what are some examples of self esteem ?
    -confidence and achievement
  • what is congruence ?
    when the self image and ideal self overlap
  • what is incongruence ?
    -self image and ideal self don't overlap
  • how do we set our conditions of worth ?
    based on others expectations and this could determine our ideal self
  • what is client centered therapy ?
    -Carl Rovgers focused on the idea of the individual
    -use unconditional positive regard
    -focus on positive aspects of a person
    -close gap between self image and ideal self
  • what is the evaluation of client therapy ?
    -little research support
    -vague idea
    -real life applications eg self help manuals
  • what is the evaluation of the humanistic approach ?
    -not reductionist
    -limited application
    -cultural bias