learning approaches

Cards (18)

  • what is the behaviorist approach ?
    learning through association
  • what was the procedure of pavlovs study ?
    experiment on dogs :
    • bell rung - saliva measured
    • food presented - saliva measured
    • bell + food ( repeated ) - saliva measured
    • bell + no food - saliva measured
    • found you could condition dogs to salivate
  • what did pavlovs study determine ?
    theories of laws of learning
    therapies for treatments of phobias
  • what is classical conditioning ?
    learning via association
  • what is operant conditioning ?
    learning through rewards and punishments
  • what is positive reinforcement ?
    effect of increasing frequency of behavior by using consequences that are positive when they happen e.g. sweets for doing homework
  • what is negative reinforcement ?
    taking away something negative for desired behavior e.g. leaving lessons early
  • what is punishment ?
    effect of decreasing frequency of behavior using consequences that are unpleasant
  • what was the procedure of skinners study ?
    experiment on rats pushing a lever :
    positive - rewarded w food
    negative - turn off the electric shocks
  • what is the evaluation of the behaviorist approach ?
    research support - skinners box , little albert
    relies heavily on animal studies
    real life application
    doesn't account for biological factors
  • what is social learning theory ?
    learning through observation
  • what are the steps of social learning theory ?
    observation , imitation , identification , modelling , vicarious reinforcement
  • who are we most likely to imitate ?
    same sex , similar age or older , higher status , friendly , likeable
  • what are the steps of the mediational process ?
    attention , retention , motor reproduction , motivation
  • what are the definitions of each step ?
    attention - extent to which we notice
    retention - how well behavior is remembered
    motor reproduction - ability to perform behavior
    motivation - will to perform behavior
  • what is the aim of banduras bobo doll experiment ?
    to investigate wether children learn aggression through observation
  • what was the procedure of banduras bobo doll experiment ?
    lab experiment , 3 groups of children
    condition one - aggressive model
    condition two - non-aggressive model
    condition three - control group
  • what is the evaluation of social learning theory ?
    research support from banduras study
    lab experiment
    underestimates influence of biological factors