The arrival of an actionpotential at the axonterminal causes the voltage gated Ca2+ channels to open. Ca2+ move into the axon terminal by facilitateddiffusion.
Synapticvesicles containing the neurotransmitter acetylcholine move towards and fuse with the pre-synapticmembrane
Acetylcholine is released by exocytosis and it diffuses across the synapticcleft
Acetylcholine binds to the bindingsite of a receptorprotein on the post-synapticmembrane
How does synaptic transmission occur 2?
5. This bind stimulates the opening of Na+ channels, so Na+ moves into the post-synaptic neurone by facilitateddiffusion.
6.If threshold is achieved (as sufficient Na+ enters), an actionpotential will be generated in the post-synaptic neurone
7. Acetylcholine is broken down by acetylcholinesterase by hydrolysis, so it changes shape and can no longer bind to the receptorproteins
How does synaptic transmission occur 3?
8. Na+channelsclose
9. There is reuptake of acetyl and choline into the synapticbulb.Acetylcholine is resynthesised and repackaged into vesicles. All of this requires ATP.