2 Mitosis

Cards (8)

    ● Occurs in the somatic cells of an organism
    ● Produces two daughter cells which are
    genetically the same
    ● Cells has a chromosome value of 2n
    ● Divided into 3 stages: Interphase, M-phase,
    • Longest phase in the eukaryotic cell division
    • Prepares the cell for the upcoming division process
    • Very important in the execution of cell division
    • Can be divided into sub-phases: G1, S, and G2
    • G1: The cell is active biochemically by preparing the chromosomes and proteins; the cell starts to grow significantly
    • S: Replicates the chromosomal content of the cell; the cell continues to grow
    • G2: The centrosomes and other organelles have been replicated; final growth of the cell can be observed
    • The actual cell division stages
    • Responsible for the separation of the duplicated chromosomes
    Divided into four different sub-phases:
    • Prophase
    • Metaphase
    • Anaphase
    • Telophase
    Chromosomes will start to condense
    ● The centrosomes form asters and release
    microtubules (spindles)
    Centrosomes will start to migrate to the
    opposite poles
    ● The nuclear envelope will start to disappear
    ● The centrosomes have reached the opposite
    poles of the cell
    ● Chromosomes will align at the metaphase
    ● The spindle fibers are now attached to the
    kinetochores of the chromosomes
    ● The cohesin of each chromosome will be
    ● The spindle fibers will start to shorten, pulling
    the sister chromatids apart
    ● The nonkinetochore spindles will lengthen as
    the kinetochore spindles shorten
    ● The cell will start to elongate
    ● The chromosomes reach the opposite poles of
    the cell
    ● The nuclear envelope of the cell will start to
    Chromosomes will start to become less
    ● The cleavage furrow will start to form (animal
    ● The total cell division of the cell
    ● The nuclear envelope has completely reformed
    Animal cells separate completely through the
    cleavage furrow
    Plant cells separate completely through the
    formation of the cell plate