Reflexes and the spinal cord

    Cards (4)

    • Reflexes are:
      • rapid
      • automatic/involuntary
      • innate (not learned responses)
      • the brain is not involved
    • Summarise the structure of the spinal cord.?
      -pairs of spinal nerves leave the spinal cord between the vertebrae
      -sensory neurone enters through the dorsal root
      -sensory cell bodies create a swelling called the dorsal root ganglion
      -motor neurones leave through the ventral root
      -outer white matter = myelinated axons of sensory and motor neurones
      -inner grey matter = motor neurone cell bodies and unmyelinated relay neurones
      -central canal contains cerebro-spinal fluid which contains nutrients
    • What are meninges?
      A series of membranes around the outside of the spinal cord
      -contains cerebro-spinal fluid
      -protects and nourishes the spinal cord
    • Label this diagram of the spinal cord
      A) sensory neurone
      B) cell body of sensory neurone
      C) relay neurone
      D) motor neurone
      E) effector
      F) central canal
      G) dorsal root ganglion
      H) dorsal root
      I) ventral root
      J) grey matter
      K) white matter