Gender Bias

    Cards (36)

    • What are the key issues and debates in psychology related to gender bias?
      • Gender bias: differential treatment based on stereotypes
      • Androcentrism: male-centered perspectives
      • Alpha bias: exaggeration of differences
      • Beta bias: minimization of differences
      • Cultural bias: ethnocentrism and cultural relativism
    • What does the acronym GRENADE stand for in psychology issues and debates?
      Gender Bias, Reductionism, Ethnocentrism, Nature/Nurture, Approach (Idiographic/Nomothetic), Determinism, Ethics
    • What does universality mean in psychology?
      It means that conclusions about human characteristics can be applied to all people, regardless of time or culture
    • How does bias affect psychological research?
      Bias can create a distorted view of the world and influence research outcomes
    • What is alpha bias in psychology?
      It refers to theories that exaggerate or overestimate differences between the sexes
    • What is beta bias in psychology?
      It refers to theories that ignore or minimize differences between the sexes
    • How does Kohlberg’s theory of moral development relate to gender bias?
      It has been criticized for being based primarily on male moral reasoning
    • What are the consequences of gender bias in psychological research?
      • Misrepresentation of experiences
      • Stereotyping of genders
      • Potential harm to individuals based on biased findings
      • Limitations in understanding human behavior
    • What is the difference between alpha and beta bias?
      Alpha bias exaggerates differences between genders, while beta bias minimizes them
    • What does Simone de Beauvoir mean by her quote regarding the representation of the world?
      She suggests that perspectives are often male-centered and may not reflect the truth
    • What does GRENADE stand for in the context of issues and debates in psychology?
      • G: Gender Bias
      • R: Reductionism
      • E: Ethnocentrism
      • N: Nature/Nurture
      • A: Approach (Idiographic/Nomothetic)
      • D: Determinism
      • E: Ethics
    • Which is preferable: to regard men and women as being psychologically different or as the same?
      This is subjective and depends on the context of the discussion
    • How does Kohlberg’s theory of moral development demonstrate beta bias?
      It underestimates the differences between the sexes by using a male-only sample
    • What is the impact of gender bias on psychological theories?
      It can lead to theories that do not accurately represent the experiences of all genders
    • Which gender does Kohlberg's research primarily ignore?
    • How can researchers minimize gender bias in their studies?
      By ensuring diverse representation in research samples and considering gender differences
    • What are the consequences of ignoring females in Kohlberg's research?
      It may lead to a lack of understanding of female moral development
    • How does the fight or flight response illustrate beta bias?
      It often assumes that the response applies equally to both genders, ignoring potential differences
    • What are the implications of alpha and beta bias in psychological research?
      • Alpha bias can lead to undervaluing women and reinforcing stereotypes.
      • Beta bias can result in ignoring potential differences between genders, leading to inaccurate conclusions.
    • How does beta bias affect the generalization of research findings?
      It may lead to inaccurate beliefs about male behavior based on female results
    • What does alpha bias suggest about male and female abilities?
      It suggests that there are real differences between males and females due to hormonal differences
    • How does alpha bias reinforce stereotypes about women?
      By suggesting that women are less capable due to hormonal differences
    • What does the term 'androcentrism' mean?
      It refers to a male-centered perspective in research
    • What are the consequences of androcentrism in psychological research?
      Female behavior may be judged as abnormal or inferior
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of gender-biased research?
      • Highlights the need for gender considerations in research

      • Encourages negative assumptions about women
      • Can lead to underrepresentation of women in research
      • May reinforce harmful stereotypes
    • What did Maccoby and Jacklin (1974) find regarding gender differences?
      They found that girls have superior verbal ability and boys have better spatial ability
    • What is essentialism in the context of gender differences?
      It is the belief that gender differences are fixed and enduring
    • What did Formanowicz et al (2018) find regarding research on gender bias?
      They found that research on gender bias has less funding
    • What did Joel et al. (2015) discover about sex differences in brain structure?
      They did not find significant sex differences in brain structure or functioning
    • What issue arises from the underrepresentation of women in university departments?

      Fewer scholars are aware of gender bias issues
    • What did Brescoll and Uhlman (2008) find regarding perceptions of male and female anger?
      Male anger is seen as caused by external factors, while female anger is medicalized
    • What is publication bias in the context of gender bias research?
      Research that challenges gender biases may not be published
    • What did Murphy et al. (2014) find regarding the gender distribution of psychology lecturers?
      Most university lecturers are male, despite most psychology undergraduates being female
    • How might a male researcher’s expectations affect research findings?
      They may expect women to be unable to complete complex tasks, leading to biased results
    • What is one problem associated with alpha bias in psychological research?
      It can lead to the undervaluation of women's abilities
    • What is one problem associated with beta bias in psychological research?
      It can lead to the assumption that males and females behave the same
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