Definitions of abnormality

Cards (16)

  • Statistical infrequency
    A person's trait, thinking or behaviour is considered to be an indication of abnormality if it is found to be numerically (statistically) rare
  • The statistical approach is the most useful when dealing with characteristics that can be reliably measured
  • Average IQ is 100
  • 68% of people have an IQ in the range from 85-115
  • Only 2.5% of people score below 70
  • Scoring below 70 is unusual and may lead to a diagnosis of intellectual disability disorder
  • Weaknesses of statistical infrequency
    • Some unusual characteristics can be positive (e.g. very high IQ)
    • Some common behaviours are not desirable (e.g. depression)
    • It is hard to determine where to draw the line between common and statistically infrequent behaviour
  • Deviation from social norms
    If a person behaves in a way that is different from what most of society do and does not follow the standards set by society, they are considered abnormal
  • Weaknesses of deviation from social norms
    • Social norms change over time (e.g. homosexuality)
    • Social norms are dependent on culture (e.g. hearing voices)
  • Failure to function adequately
    When behaviour interferes with daily routines, then it is considered abnormal
  • Strengths of failure to function adequately
    • Recognises the patient's perspective
  • Weaknesses of failure to function adequately
    • There are exceptions where maladaptive behaviour is not abnormal due to specific circumstances (e.g. Gandhi's hunger strike)
  • Deviation from ideal mental health
    Jahoda (1958) identified 6 characteristics which she believed promoted psychological health. Anyone unable to show these quantities, she thought indicated abnormality and would be vulnerable to mental disorder
  • Characteristics of ideal mental health
    • Positive attitude towards self
    • Accurate perception of reality
    • Resistance to stress
    • Personal autonomy
    • Mastering the environment
    • Self-actualisation
  • Strengths of deviation from ideal mental health

    • Offers a comprehensive criteria for assessing mental health
  • Weaknesses of deviation from ideal mental health
    • Difficult to meet all criteria (setting an unrealistically high standard)
    • Culturally relative (based on western ideas of individuality)