Types of data

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  • Primary data
    Data that has been obtained first hand by the researcher directly from the participants in the research through the use of an experiment, self-report or observation
  • Strengths of primary data
    • Data will match the research aim as the person designed their own investigation, increasing validity
  • Weaknesses of primary data
    • Time and effort required, may not give an overview of an area
  • Secondary data

    Data that has been collected by someone else and pre-dates the current research
  • Strengths of secondary data
    • Quick, cheap and easy, gives a good overview with large sample sizes (meta-analysis)
  • Weaknesses of secondary data
    • Data will not match the research aim as the person has not designed their own investigation
  • Quantitative data
    Numerical data
  • Strengths of quantitative data
    • Easier to analyse and draw conclusions
  • Weaknesses of quantitative data
    • Oversimplifies reality
  • Qualitative data

    Non-numerical descriptive data
  • Strengths of qualitative data

    • Provides rich detail
  • Weaknesses of qualitative data
    • Analysis relies on interpretation by the researcher- subjective, not easy to categorise/analyse
  • Measures of central tendency
    • Mean
    • Median
    • Mode
  • Mean
    Calculated by adding up all of the scores and dividing by the number of scores
  • Advantages of the mean
    • The mean can be said to be representative of all of the data collected as it is calculated using all the individual values
  • Disadvantages of the mean
    • It can be misrepresentative of the numbers if there is an extreme value
  • Median
    The middle value of an ordered list
  • Advantages of the median
    • It is not affected by extreme scores
  • Disadvantages of the median
    • Only reflects one value therefore is not as sensitive as the mean
  • Mode
    The value that is most common
  • Advantages of the mode
    • It is useful when the data is in categories (e.g. the number of people who like marshmallows)
  • Disadvantages of the mode
    • Not useful when there are several modes or when the mode is numerically further from the middle
  • Measures of dispersion
    • Range
    • Standard deviation
  • Range
    The difference between the highest and lowest numbers
  • Standard deviation
    A more precise measure of the spread of data as it is not distorted by a single extreme score, taking into account how spread out all of the values are from the mean
  • Relationship between standard deviation and data spread
    • The higher the standard deviation, the more the data is spread out around the mean