Non fatal offences

Cards (9)

  • Define assault
    Assault occurs when a person intentionally or recklessly causes another to apprehend immediate unlawful personal violence.
  • What are the three summary offences
  • Where are summary offences tried
    Tried in the magistrates court
  • What does the magistrates court have the ability to do?

    Has the ability to hold a sentence for up to 6 months for 1 offence
    or 12 months for 2 offences
    And a £5000 fine
    Anything over 6 months tried in the crown court
  • What are indictable offences
    Most serious offences
    Crimes for example murder, GBH with intent or rape
  • Where are indictable offences held?

    Tried within the magistrates court
  • What is the offence triable either way

    A crime that can be tried as an indictable offence or a summary offence
  • Where can an indictable offence be tried 

    It’s tried in the magistrates but if it does not have for the capacity it then goes to the crown court
    So it can go to both courts
  • What are the Magistrate and crown courts also known as and why?

    Courts of first instance because that’s where cases are first heard