
Cards (15)

  • Monosaccharides are simple sugars, disaccharides are double sugars and polysaccharides are long chains of monomers.
  • Hexose sugars contain 6 carbon atoms
  • Pentose sugars contain 5 carbon atoms
  • Glucose is a hexose sugar that can for 2 isomers a-glucose and Ɓ-glucose
  • a-glucose
    -main substrate for respiration
    -carbohydrates are transported in mammalian blood
    -forms starch and glycogen
  • Ɓ-glucose
    -forms cellulose
  • Fructose
    -found in nectar and many fruits
    -with glucose forms the dissaccharide sucrose
  • Galactose
    -with glucose forms the dissaccharide lactose
  • Glycosidic
    -bond between 2 monosaccharides the reaction is a condensation reaction.
  • Maltose
    -glucose + glucose
    -formed from the breakdown of starch in seed germination
  • Sucrose
    -glucose + fructose
    -Form in which sugars are transported in the phloem in plants 
  • Lactose
    -glucose + glactose
    -Sugar found in milk; energy source for suckling mammals
  • Amylose
    -long unbranded forms coiled/spring shape
    -1-4 bonds
  • Amylopectin
    -long branched chains due to glycosidic bonds
  • Cellulose
    -made from Ɓ-glucose the chains are linked together by hydrogen bonds, between the glucose molecules in each chain to form thicker fibres called microfibres