Defining Abnormality

Cards (5)

  • deviation from social norms
    • strength: minimises harm to others
    • weak: social norms change over time and vary across cultures, so diagnosis may lack reliability
  • deviation from ideal mental health
    • strength: enables patients to set clear goals
    • weak: jahoda's six criteria are overly demanding and difficult to measure objectively
  • failure to function adequately
    • strength: involves behaviours that are easy to observe, measure and diagnose
    • weakness: people with mental disorders arent always unable to cope with everyday life
  • statistical infrequency
    • strength: practical. doctors can easily determine abnormality
    • strength: more objective. relies less on the doctors opinion
    • weak: some mental disorders aren't statistically infrequent, leading to a failure in diagnosing more common mental disorders
    • weak: some statistically infrequent traits may be desirable such as high IQ
  • Jahoda's six criteria for ideal mental health
    • positive attitudes towards the self
    • self actualisation
    • autonomy
    • resistance to stress
    • accurate perception of reality
    • environmental mastery