for someone to have a phobia, the three symptoms must be regarding a specific stimulus
the three symptoms of a phobia can be classified as behavioural, cognitive or emotional
a specific fear of being in social situations is called a social phobia
a specific fear of being in a situation where they feel trapped or have no space is called agoraphobia
a fear of a specific object is called a specific phobia
the behaviourist explanation of phobias claims that phobias are learned through classical conditioning
according to the behaviourist explanation of phobias, phobias are maintained through operant conditoning
by avoiding the feared stimulus, fear and anxiety have been removed, so the person is more likely to repeat that behaviour and continue avoiding their feared stimulus. this is negative reinforcement
the two process model comes from the behaviourist explanation for phobias and claims that phobias are
acquired through classical conditioning
maintained through operant conditioning
Little Albert was a case study conducted by Watson and Rayner
they wanted to test if humans could acquire a phobia through classical conditioning
before the experiment - white rat NS with a NR, loud noise UCS with crying UCR
repeated association between the rat and the loud noise
after the experiment, the white rat had become a CS giving a crying CR response
Barlow and Durand
investigated the cause of peoples phobia of driving cars
according to behaviourist explanation, this phobia must have been acquired through classical conditioning, turning cars from a neutral stimulus into a conditioned stimulus
therefore they must have had a traumatic experience regarding cars
50% of participants said that they could recall a traumatic experience regarding cars - showing support for classical conditioning
many participants hadnt driven since the traumatic event - avoiding the feared stimulus - negative reinforcement
limitations of the behaviourist approach to phobias
not all phobias seem to be caused by a traumatic event (the other 50% from barlow and durand that couldnt recall a traumatic event)
Davey found that only 7% of people with a phobia of spiders could recall a traumatic event regarding spiders
phobias can also be partially genetically determined
limitation of flooding
can be unethical due to subjecting people to psychological distress and anxiety
systematic desensitisation strengths:
study support - Ost with 20 patients with phobias of blood or injury. did systematic desensitisation. followed up 4 years after and found that 90% of patients were improved or completely recovered. supports the effectiveness of systematic desensitisation
less distressing for the patient compared to flooding. exposes the feared stimulus to the patient gradually which may be more ethical than flooding
effectiveness of flooding
kaplan and tolin found that 65% of patients with a specific phobia who were given a single session of flooding showed no symptoms of that specific phobia 4 years later