Cognitive Approach to Depression

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    • symptoms of major depression: low mood, loss of pleasure, irrational negative beliefs, difficulty concentrating, change in appetite, change in sleep pattern
    • to be diagnosed with major depression
      • low mood and loss of pleasure
      • at least 5 symptoms
      • at least one emotional symptom
      • at least one behavioural symptom
      • more than 2 weeks of experiencing symptoms
    • a manic episode
      • when someone experiences a period of extremely high mood for at least one week
    • a depressive episode
      • when someone experiences a period of extremely low mood for at least one week
    • manic depression = bipolar disorder
    • when a person cycles between depressive episodes and manic episodes, this is called manic depression
    • beck's negative (or cognitive) triad
      • categorised irrational negative beliefs into 3 different types
      • negative beliefs about the self
      • negative beliefs about the world
      • negative beliefs about the future
    • people get a negative triad from a negative schema which is caused by negative past experiences
      according to beck, a negative schema is responsible for irrational negative beliefs
    • beck: cognitive biases
      • a tendency to pay attention to just positive or negative information
      • a positive or negative cognitive bias or no bias
      • according to beck, a negative cognitive bias can help to maintain irrational negative beliefs
    • if new information supports the schema, this strengthens the schema and the irrational negative beliefs
      if new, negative information matches expectations from a persons negative schema then this information is assimilated into their schema