Social Learning

Cards (14)

  • Bandura argued that not all learning happens through classical or operant conditioning and that it can happen just through observation
  • Social learning theory is based on the idea that we can learn from observing others, without any direct consequences to us.
  • The four key elements of social learning are attention, retention, reproduction and motivation.
  • Observational learning occurs when an individual watches another person's behaviour and then replicates it themselves.
  • Attention - The learner must be paying attention to what they see happening around them.
  • Retention means remembering something long enough to be able to reproduce it later.
  • Reproduction - The learner must be able to reproduce the observed behaviour at some point in the future.
  • Motivation - There must be some reason why the learner wants to copy the model's behaviour.
  • observational learning requires modelling and imitating
  • factors affecting if a behaviour is imitated are
    • identification
    • vicarious reinforcement
  • identification - when someone feels like they are similar to and have a connection to a certain model in their lives
  • people are more likely to identify with people similar to them
    this means that they are more likely to imitate these people
  • vicarious reinforcement (indirect)
    • when you see someone else get a reward for their behaviour
    • and so you replicate the behaviour, expecting to get the same response
  • social learning theory assumes that mediational processes are involved
    • mental processes like attention and memory are involved in determining whether an observer copies behaviour