quadrats placed along transect. Continuous/interrupted
Pond net
swept through water to capture invertebrates.
Standardise the number and length of sweeps.
mobile species may escape
accurate standardisation is difficult
Kick sampling
net held on riverbed facing open current. The riverbed is disturbed by scraping a boot over it.
Standardise the number and length of kicks.
organisms fixed in stone aren't dislodged
some may swim and avoid line
Pitfall traps
container placed in hole with its open end up, level to surface. Cover is supported over opening to exclude predators and prevent flooding. Trap checked every 24 hrs.
only mobile species caught
preservatives used may attract/repel species
earthworm extraction: soil flooding
mark out a suitable sample area.
remove surface vegetation.
add irritant solution (detergent, mustard water) until saturated. Also saturate the surrounding area.
collect worms that surface until no more appear/ standardised time period.
count/ measure/ weigh/ identify.
irritant may not percolate through impermeable soils.