Cards (9)

  • What is the first reading?
    A formal procedure where the name of the bill is read out. No discussion or vote takes place
  • What are the disadvantages of the first reading?
    lack of debate - no mps get to debate principles of the bill
    Limited transparency - billy is only formally introduced and mp’s and public may not full understand the bill
  • What is the second reading?
    The main debate on the whole bill which mp’s debate the principles behind the bill
  • In the second reading what must an mp do if they wish to speak
    catch the speakers eye since the speaker controls the debate
  • What will the speaker of the house do to figure how all the mp’s approve of the vote
    They speaker will ask how they all vote
  • What do the mp’s shout if they are in disagreement or agreement with the bill after the speaker has asked
    “Aye or no”
  • What happens if most of mp’s in Parliament are NOT agreement of a bill and it is not clear majority vote
    it will get passed to a formal vote
  • What is a formal vote
    A formal vote is a parliamentary process where members of Parliament cast votes to approve, amend, or reject proposed legislation or motions, often following debates.
  • Who count the people for the formal vote
    The tellers