Cards (19)

  • When did the behaviourist approach emerge in psychology?
    At the beginning of the 20th century
  • What is the primary focus of the behaviourist approach?
    It focuses on behaviour that can be observed and measured
  • What does the behaviourist approach ignore?
    Mental processes
  • What is the basic assumption of the behaviourist approach regarding human behaviour?
    All behaviour is learnt and we are born with a 'blank state'
  • How is behaviour developed according to the behaviourist approach?
    Through experience
  • What are the two types of learning identified by the behaviourist approach?
    • Classical conditioning (Pavlov's research)
    • Operant conditioning (Skinner's research)
  • What is Classical conditioning according to Pavlov's research?
    Behaviour is learnt through association
  • What can a neutral stimulus be associated with in Classical conditioning?
    An unconditioned stimulus to produce a conditioned response
  • What is Operant conditioning according to Skinner?
    Behaviour is learnt from consequences
  • Who is the early empiricist that described the human mind as a tabula rasa?
    John Locke
  • What does the term 'tabula rasa' refer to in the context of human nature?
    It refers to the idea that the human mind is a 'blank tablet' shaped by experiences.
  • According to John Locke, what shapes human nature?
    The environment shapes human nature.
  • Who led the behaviourism movement?
    John Watson
  • What did John Watson oppose in his approach to psychology?

    He opposed the mentalism of structuralists, functionalists, and psychoanalysts.
  • What did John Watson argue was the proper subject matter of psychology?
    Observable behavior, not unobservable inner consciousness.
  • What are the basic assumptions of behaviourism?
    • Behaviour is learned
    • Only focus on observable behaviour
    • Animals share the same principles of learning
    • Humans are a blank slate
  • How did Pavlov demonstrate the influence of the environment on behavior?
    He showed that dogs learned to salivate to a new stimulus when paired with food.
  • What was the result of Pavlov's experiments with dogs?
    Dogs automatically learned to salivate to the sound of a bell when it was paired with food.
  • What principle did Pavlov's findings illustrate about learning?
    It illustrated that behavior can be shaped through the association of events.