Inferential Statistics

Cards (11)

  • What is the order of horizontal headings on the table?
    Independent groups, repeated measures/matched pairs , correlation
  • What is the order of vertical headings on the table?

    nominal , ordinal, interval
  • IN ORDER LEFT TO RIGHT, what tests to use for nominal data?
    chi squared, sign test, chi squared
  • IN ORDER LEFT TO RIGHT, what tests to use for ordinal data?
    Mann-whitney, wilcoxon, spearman's rho
  • IN ORDER LEFT TO RIGHT, what tests to use for interval data?

    unrelated t-test, related t-test, pearson's R
  • WHY do psychologists have to do stat tests once they have collected their data?

    Psychologists have to MAKE SENSE of the data produced from their psychological research studies
    You can purely describe what the data shows in several ways eg mean, graphs
    BUT more sophisticated form of analysis = carry out INFERENTIAL STAT TESTS
  • Inferential testing means what?

    A psychologist can make informed decisions about whether differences in data are significant ones ie beyond the BOUNDARIES OF CHANCE and then be applied to WHOLE TARGET POPULATIONS that the sample represents
  • Examples of inferential tests?
    sign test
    unrelated t-test
    related t-test
    pearsons's rank
    spearmans rho
  • the only test i have to carry out is what?
    sign test
  • what test do i choose?

    1. is the research in the STEM looking for a difference or relationship/correlation
    2. what experimental design has been used (independent groups OR repeated measures/matched pairss)
    3. what type of data was collected
  • interval data example?

    ratio data
    but call it interval