Genetic Explanations-Aggression

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    • What is the concern regarding genetic explanations for aggression?
      Highly aggressive people often become violent criminals, raising the question of whether some people are born criminals.
    • What does a genetic explanation for aggression imply?
      It implies that aggression is inherited.
    • Why do psychologists often study twins in aggression research?
      To observe similarities in aggression levels between closely related individuals.
    • What is the genetic relationship between monozygotic and dizygotic twins?
      Monozygotic twins share all their genes, while dizygotic twins share 50% of their genes.
    • What do family studies in aggression research examine?
      The concordance rate in aggression among family members.
    • What is the implication of a higher concordance rate in aggression among closely related individuals?
      It suggests that genetic factors may play a role in aggression.
    • How do adoption studies help in aggression research?
      They allow researchers to see if aggressive behaviors develop due to genes, regardless of the family environment.
    • What did Mednick and Hutchings find regarding criminality and genetics in their adoption study?
      If adoptees had a biological criminal father, 21.4% had a criminal record, compared to 10.5% if their father was non-criminal.
    • What do genes code for in relation to aggression?
      They code for biological processes in the body, including limbic system development and hormone production.
    • Is there a single gene identified that always results in aggression?
      No, there is no one gene or combination of genes that has been identified to always result in aggression.
    • What is the relationship between genetic codes and aggressive behavior according to some psychologists?
      Genetic codes, or genotypes, are associated with the display of aggressive behavior, or phenotypes.
    • What is the MAOA gene associated with in terms of aggression?
      The MAOA gene controls the production of an enzyme that breaks down serotonin in the brain, and its variation is linked to aggression.
    • What is the nickname given to the MAOA-L version of the gene?
      The warrior gene.
    • What percentage of western men carry the MAOA-L gene?
      About one third of all western men carry the MAOA-L gene.
    • What is suggested to trigger aggression in individuals with the MAOA-L gene?
      A combination of early child abuse and having the MAOA-L gene as a vulnerability.
    • What does the diathesis-stress model of aggressive behavior suggest?
      It suggests that genetic vulnerability interacts with environmental stressors to trigger aggression.
    • What did Brunner's case study reveal about aggression and the MAOA gene?
      It suggested that extreme levels of aggression in a family were due to the low activity MAOA gene.
    • What did Stuart's research find regarding the MAOA gene and aggression?
      The low activity version of the MAOA gene was found in the most aggressive members of a sample of men convicted of intimate partner violence.
    • What is a major issue with the MAOA hypothesis regarding aggression?
      A third of western men have the MAOA-L gene, yet the vast majority are not aggressive, suggesting other factors are involved.
    • What does the complexity of serotonin levels suggest about aggression?
      Both high and low levels of serotonin can be problematic in relation to aggressive behaviors.
    • What are the key genetic factors associated with aggression?
      • Genetic explanations suggest aggression is inherited.
      • Monozygotic twins share all genes; dizygotic twins share 50%.
      • Coccaro’s research indicates genetic differences account for 47% of aggression differences.
      • Adoption studies show genetic influence on aggression despite family environment.
      • MAOA gene variations linked to aggression, particularly MAOA-L.
      • XYY chromosomal disorder was initially thought to cause aggression but is discredited.
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of using genetic explanations for aggression?
      • Provides insight into biological influences on behavior.
      • Supports the idea of inherited aggression through twin and family studies.

      • No single gene definitively causes aggression.
      • High prevalence of MAOA-L gene in non-aggressive individuals.
      • Environmental factors also play a significant role.
    • what is the limitation of using twin studies in aggression research
      non-identical twins may be treated differently than identical twins, affecting their experiences.