Self-disclosure & virtual relationships in Social Media:
Reduced cues theory
The Hyperpersonal Model
Absence of gating
Self - Disclosure Definition
Self - Disclosure = Revealing personal information about yourself. Romantic partners reveal more about their true selves as the relationship develops. One's deepest thoughts/feelings - strengthens romantic relationships if used appropriately.
Computer-mediated communication (virtual relationships - VR)
Virtual Relationships
Face to Face
Self-Disclouse & FtF & VR
Self disclosure is crucial in FtF relationships and it works differently in Virtual Relationships
Reduces Cues Theory BY...
Sproull & Kiesler (1986)
Reduced Cues Theory
A) ?
Hyperpersonal Model is BY...
Walther (1996, 2011)
The Hyperpersonal Model Part 1
Walther (1996, 2011) argues that since self disclosure happens more quickly, VR develops more quickly.
Virtual relationships can be more personal & involve greater self-disclosure than FtF ones, due to this VRs can develop very quickly and often self-disclosure happens earlier on in the relationships.
Hyperpersonal Model part 2
Message senders has greater control over what to disclose and the cues they send in VR. Can be honest or untruthful. (selective presentation) (sender may be hyper honest and or hyper dishonest).
Message receivers gain a positive impression of the sender - they may give feedback (responding to a post) that reinforces the senders’ identity. (receiver's feedback may reinforce the sender's selective self-presentation).
Hyperpersonal Model? Part 3
Anonymity is a key factor in VR, it makes VR hyperpersonal:
Bargh et al (2002) = lower identity = less accountable for behaviour (‘strangers on a train’ - people may disclose a lot in anonymous situations, Bargh et al (2002)).
Absence of gating in virtual relationships is BY...
Mckenna & Bargh (1999)
Absence of gating in virtual relationships
A) ?
Gating definition?
A gate is any obstacle that can interfere with the early development of a relationship e.g. stammer, social anxiety, unattractiveness