
Cards (22)

  • How does a light microscope?
    Specimens are illuminated with light, which is focused using a glass lens and viewed with the eye or photographic film
  • Do specimens need to be living or dead for Light Microscopy?
    Either - but they might need to be stained with dye to make them visible
  • What can you see with specific stains?
    DNA, Lipids, Cytoskeleton
  • What resolution do Light Microscopes have?
    200nm - good enough too see cells but not its organelles
  • How does an Electron Microscope work?
    Uses beams of electrons to "illuminate" the specimen - electrons bounce off the specimen and onto a phosphor screen, which is then interpreted by a computer and displayed on a monitor
  • Does the specimen have to be living or dead?
    Dead - the specimen has to be fixed in plastic and viewed in a vacuum
  • Why must the specimen be stained?
    To stop it from being damaged and to obstructed to view due to the beams of electron being shone at it
  • How does a TEM work? (Transmission Electron Microscope)
    Pass a beam of electrons through - the ones that do hit a fluorescent screen are detected, and then displayed on a computer screen
  • What is needed for TEM?
    Thin slices of specimen so beams of electrons can pass through and create an image
  • TEM Microscopes are the most common and have the best resolution
  • TEM creates 2D images
  • What is the max magnification of a TEM?
  • How does a SEM work? (Scanning Electron Microscope)
    The specimen is coated in a heavy metal, so the beams of electrons reflect and hit a fluorescent screen which creates an image
  • What can now be seen with a SEM?
    Larger, thicker structures and 3D images of specimens
  • What is the downside to the SEM?
    Has a lower resolution than the TEM
  • What is the max magnification of a SEM?
  • What is the max resolution of a TEM?
  • What is the max resolution of a SEM?
  • What can’t you see with an optical (light) microscope?
    Cell Membrane
    DNA Helix
  • What is Resolution?
    The minimum distance apart that two objects can be in order for them to appear as separate items
  • What is Magnification?
    How many times bigger the image is when compared to the object
  • Why does an Electron Microscope have a better Resolution than an Optical Microscope?
    • The Electron Microscope uses beams of electrons
    • Which has a much smaller wavelength than light