experimental design

Cards (14)

  • repeated measures design
    only one group of participants is used. This group does both conditions of the experiment.
  • Independent group design
    A separate group of participants used for each condition of the experiment
  • strengths of repeated measures
    Individual differences are removed
    you need less participants
    can get more data
  • Limitations
    order effects- the order of the condition could effects performance for example their performance in a second condition may be helped through practice of a task they did first.
    demand characteristics - participants guess the aim of the study and alter their behaviour by having a "please you effect" or a "screw you effect".
  • RM: dealing with the limitations
    use two different tests to reduce a practice effect. However the two tests must be equivelent in terms of difficulty
    researcher come up with a fake aim to cover up the true aim (single blind study)
  • Independent group design strengths
    no order effects
  • independent group design: limitations
    no control of participant variables. For example participants in group one may be more able than participants in group two
    you need twice as many participants
  • IGD: dealing with limitations
    randomly allocate participants to conditions to ensure that the groups are equal
  • matched pairs design
    controls some participants variables
    participants wont guess the aim
    no order effects
  • matched pairs design: limitations
    achieving matched pairs is difficult and time consuming
    may be to costly to undertake
    may not control all participants variables
  • MPD: dealing with the limitations
    restrict the number of variables to be matched on
    A plot study could show key variables that need to be matched
  • counterbalancing
    equal number of participants undertake the task required of them in different orders. For example group 1 does condition 1 whilst group 2 does condition 2. Then they switch
  • randomisation
    deciding the order of presentation of experimental conditions. For example tossing a coin.
  • pilot studies
    A small scaled investigation that takes place before the actual research is conducted.
    The aim is to check the method.eg the procedures, materials, measuring scales etc all work properly.
    Allows researchers to make changes and modifications if necessary.
    They are used in experimental and non experimental methods