experimental design

Cards (12)

  • What is repeated measures?
    • All participants complete all levels of the IV
  • strength and limitations of repeated measures design
    • Strength - less difference in participant variables between conditions 
    • Limitation - order effects (may do better on first because they are less anxious or had practice) (may do worse because of boredom)
    • How to deal with limitation - counterbalancing
  • what is Independent groups 
    When Participants are placed in one group and each group completes one level of the iv
  • independent groups strengths and limitations
    • Strength - no order effects 
    • Limitation - participant variables,more participants for same variables
    • How to deal with limitation - randomly allocate
  • What is Matched pairs design
    Using two groups of participants but matching them on key characteristics
  • matched pairs strengths and limitations
    • strength - less participant variables
    • limitations - very time consuming and need lots of participants 
    • how to deal with limitation - pilot studies for key variables 
    Restrict number of variable matching
  • What is counterbalancing in experimental design?
    It is a technique that ensures each condition is tested first and second in equal amounts.
  • Why is counterbalancing used in experiments?
    To overcome order effects in testing conditions.
  • What are the two group designs in counterbalancing?

    • Group 1: Morning A, Afternoon B
    • Group 2: Morning B, Afternoon A
  • How do you compare results in the AB or BA design of counterbalancing?

    By comparing the outcomes of the two groups after testing.
  • What is the ABBA design in counterbalancing?

    • All participants do:
    • Morning
    • Afternoon
    • Afternoon
    • Morning
  • how would you pair a matched paris design?

    on anything participant variables affecting the DV