what is difference between Naturalistic and controlled in controlled environmentregulated by researcher but in naturalistic it is left in its natural state
difference between overt and covert
Covert is observing people without their knowledge whereas overt is observing people with knowledge that their behaviour is being observed
difference between Participant and non participant
Non participant is where the researcher is separate from those being observed whereas participant is where observations are made by someone also taking part in the activity (could reduce objectivity)
overt has less ethical issues but covert has more demand characteristics
observer bias
observers expectationsaffect what they see and their results, affecting validity
unstructured observation - researcher records all relevant behaviour but has no system
can be used as a pilot study but has disadvantages as what catches their eye may not be most relevant behaviour
Structured observations
A researcher uses various systems to organise observations main two are behavioural categories and sampling procedures
difference between event and time sampling
Event sampling -observing and recording all the time(how many times you saw it)
Time sampling-observing and recording at time interval (when you saw it)
Eg. event = In half an hour how many aggression acts you saw event
Look up Every 5 minutes note aggression - see pattern of behaviour
Time-how a behaviour changes over a period of time