
Cards (9)

  • Inflation
    Rate of increase in general price level in an economy
  • Deflation
    Rate of decrease in the general price level in the economy (negative inflation)
  • Disinflation
    Fall in the rate of inflation
  • Price level
    The average of current prices across the entire spectrum of goods and services produced in an economy
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI)
    A measure of the general level of prices in the UK, the rate of change which has been used as the government’s inflation target since January 2004
  • Base year
    Useful comparison between price levels in different time periods (base usually 100)
  • Retail Price Index (RPI)
    Measure of the average prices in the UK (includes house payments)
  • Demand-pull inflation
    Inflation initiated by an increase in aggregate demand
  • Cost-push inflation
    Inflation initiated by an increase in the costs faced by firms, arising on the supply side