
Cards (20)

  • day of ashura
    a Shi'a festival who remember the battle of Karbala and the death of Husayn on this day
  • greater jihad
    the personal inward struggle of all Muslims to live in line with the teachings of their faith
  • hajj
    the annual pilgrimage to Mecca that every Muslim should try to make at least once in their life time
  • id-ul-adha
    a Muslim festival that celebrates the prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son for God
  • id-ul-fitr
    A Muslim festival that celebrates the end of Ramadan
  • Jihad
    a struggle against evil
  • jummah prayer
    a weekly communal prayer performed after midday on Friday which includes a sermon
  • khums
    a 20% tax paid by Shi'a Muslims on their excess income
  • lesser jihad
    the outward struggle to defend one's faith, family and country from threat
  • mihrab
    a niche in the wall that shows the direction of Mecca
  • rak'ah
    a sequence of movements in ritual prayer
  • ramadan
    the ninth month of the Muslim year during which Muslims have to fast from dusk to sunset
  • sadaqah
    good actions or voluntary payments that are undertaken for charitable reasons
  • Salah
    prayer performed under conditions set by prophet Muhammad
  • shahadah
    the Muslim declaration of faith
  • the five pillars
    the five most important duties for all Muslims
  • the night of power
    the night when the first revelation of the Qur'an was made to Muhammad
  • the ten obligatory acts
    ten important duties for Shi'a Muslims which include the Five Pillars
  • wudu
    ritual washing before prayer
  • zakah
    when Muslims give 2.5% of savings each year to the poor