Research issues

    Cards (6)

    • What are extraneous variables?
      Factors that can affect the outcome of an investigation but are not being investigated
    • What are confounding variables?
      Factors that can impact the relationship between the IV and DV in an experiment and can lead to an incorrect conclusion about the cause
    • What are demand characteristics?
      Cues or clues in a research setting that may influence participants to respond in a certain way, potentially biasing the results of the study.
      Participants may also second guess the aim and alter their behaviour
    • What are investigator effects?
      Biases or influences that investigators may have on the research process or outcomes.
    • What is standardisation?
      Ensuring all participants have the same experience
    • What is randomisation?
      Assigning participants or subjects to different groups or conditions in a study or experiment in a random manner.