Definitions of crime

Cards (22)

  • What does utilitarian crime mean?
    Crime committed for material gain e.g theft and fraud
  • What does non-utilitarian crime mean?
    Crime or deviance with no material gain e.g vandalism,truancy,fighting
  • What does crime mean?
    A action or behaviour that goes against the legislation of a particular country or state.
  • What does deviance mean?
    Actions which go against the norms and values of a society. These may not be against the law but are frowned upon by most in society.
  • How is crime and deviance socially constructed historically?
    Criminal action and deviant behaviour changes over time. What was once acceptable may become illegal/deviant and what was once deviant/illegal may become acceptable.
  • An example of historically?
    • Homosexuality – Deviant and illegal - Acceptable
    • Taking Cocaine – Legal medicine - illegal narcotic
  • How is crime and deviance socially constructed contextually?
    Behaviours that are acceptable in certain situations would not be in others.
  • An example of context ?
    • Bikini on the beach V bikini in centre of town
    • Drinking alcohol at 8am
  • How is crime and deviance socially constructed culturally ?
    What is considered acceptable or rude varies depending on the culture you are in.
  • An example of culturally?
    • Eating with your left hand in Arab nations is considered rude.
  • How is crime and deviance socially constructed by age ?
    Some behaviours are acceptable from certain age groups and some activities are illegal for some age groups.
  • An example of age?
    • Age restrictions on certain products
    • 8 year old clubbing on a Friday night.
  • How does maternal deprivation link to people committing crime (psychological) ?
    BOWLBY - People who are deprived of a mothers love as a young infant are more likely to become juvenile delinquents which leads to a criminal career.
  • What are evaluations of maternal deprivation?
    Out of date – mothers are not the only primary caregivers.
    • Not all delinquents come from a broken home.
  • How does personality traits link to people committing crime (psychological) ?
    FREUDId, Ego and Super-Ego. Personality is a balance for three unconscious areas and when these are out of balance in favour of the Id, criminal behaviour occurs as the individual is controlled by basic desires.
  • What are some evaluations of personality traits?
    • Lack of empirical evidence of these processes.
    • Suggests that Criminals lack
    control so doesn’t explain white collar crime.
  • How does Lombroso link to people committing crime (biological) ?
    Went into Italian prisons and measured the facial features of criminals. He suggested that criminals were a less evolved human and this was shown in certain features such as large foreheads, big ears, small eyes.
  • What are some evaluations of Lombroso?
    Only looked at criminals who had been caught. These features could be apparent in non- criminals as well.
  • How does genetics link to people committing crime (biological) ?
    The Warrior Gene (MAOA) is present in all humans but in some the gene gets mutated which has been linked to more aggressive behaviour, risk taking and impulsiveness which can all be linked to criminal behaviour.
  • What are some evaluations of genetics?
    We don’t know enough about how this gene works yet to conclusively link to criminal behaviour.
    Excuse for criminal behaviour.
  • How does mental abnormality link to people committing crime (psychological) ?
    This idea suggests that there is some sort of brain damage or mental illness suffered by criminals, which makes them commit crimes.
  • What are some evaluations of mental abnormality?
    • Criminals become the victims.
    • Hard to prove in some cases.