Give one criticism of physical attractiveness- factors affecting attraction?
Highly unlikely that this is the sole reason why we would find individuals attractive.
EVIDENCE SUGGESTS that self disclosure & similarity of attitudes equally as important as looks.-
research by SPRECHER (correlation between self disclosure and contentment) and
WINCH (similarity of attitudes important, particularly in early stages of a relationship)
Give one criticism of physical attractiveness- factors affecting attraction?
Research has found there are individual differences concerning importance of physical attraction in romantic relationships - it is moreimportant to some people thanothers - TOWHEY
Give one criticism of physical attractiveness- factors affecting attraction- TOWHEY?
Towhey found that people who had high levels of sexist attitudes & behaviours are more influenced by physical attractiveness than those with low levels, demonstrating that people clearly have a level of FREE WILL when deciding on how important physical attractiveness is to them
Give one criticism of physical attractiveness- factors affecting attraction?
The theories of importance of physical attractiveness are gender biased/ beta bias, as research has indicated that males hold physicalattractiveness as moreimportant in romanticrelationships than females
Give one criticism of physical attractiveness- factors affecting attraction- MELTZER STUDY?
Found that husbands ratings of their wives physical attractiveness were positivelyrelated to their levels of satisfaction in the relationship, whereas there was no such relation for the wives in the relationship
Give one criticism of physical attractiveness- factors affecting attraction?
Theories of physical attractiveness can be seen as culturally biased. They are based on Western, individualisticcultures where people have personalchoiceoverwho they form romantic relationships with
Eastern, Collectivistcultures-people put family preferencesfirst, therefore arrangedmarriages more common
Give one criticism of physical attractiveness- factors affecting attraction- cultural bias continued\?
Social demographics such as social status are often of major importance when families arrange marriages, and physical attraction is less so as the needs of the family are placed as more vital for the partnership to be formed