Biological Approach

Cards (11)

  • Everything psychological is at first biological
  • function Of the pariental lobe

    processing of sensory information
  • Phenotype
    The characteristics of an individual determined by both genes and the environment
  • Evolution
    The changes in inherited characteristics in a biological population over successive generations
  • Genotype
    The particular set of genes that a person possesses
  • Biological approach
    a perspective that emphasizes the importance of physical processes in the body such as genetic inheritance and neural function
  • How much genes do monozygotic twins share
  • How much genes do dizygotic twins share 

  • Charles Darwins theory on natural selection
    Any genetically determined behaviour that enhances an Individual’s survival will continue in further generations
  • Biological determinism
    Biological approach Sees human behaviour as governed by internal , genetic causes over which we have no control.
  • Natural selection criticism -Karl popper
    We cannot show evolution is happening, we can only deduce it has taken place.